Saturday 7 January 2012

Saints Row 3 - One Heck Of A Laugh!

Hey everybody! I know it's been an extremely long time since I've posted anything but I am back and here to keep blogging so lets get started in this new year of 2012.

Saints Row 3 came out a little while ago and I know it might be considered "old news" to some but I really wanted to talk about this awesome game that I played. I'll be honest, when Saints Row one came out I wasn't a fan when playing the demo, I was a Grand Theft Auto (GTA) fan all of it's life so having a game coming to compete with it wasn't taken lightly. But, I looked into Saints Row 3 quiet a bit when it came out and decided to give it a try.

In Saints Row 3 you play as a "boss" type figure of a media empire that came from a street gang that you were apart of in SR2 and SR1. Now, I don't know a lot of the previous story because I never really took interest in the previous games, but from playing this game you learn some of it so you'll be in the loop of events. In the start you quickly meet with the "Syndicate" which is a group of international gangs who want your gang/media empire to join, but at a cost of over 50% of your profits. Of course, you and your crew say heck no and escape from the Syndicate as they took capture of you. This whole situation causes a war between the Syndicate and you.

Enough about the story. All I got to say about this game is that the story is amazing, I have never laughed so hard at a game in my life. The outrageous comedy, story, events, items, etc makes this game just a ton of fun to play if you are someone who can take a joke and has that type of humor. Everyone will compare the Saints Row serious to the GTA series because they have a similar concept of games style which I won't debate, but the difference in the series is that Saints Row really went for an obnoxious type of game, while GTA went for a more serious and less crazy of a game which is fine because I like both. Both of them have their pros and cons and I enjoy both.

Saints Row 3 is really an awesome game to play. Your decisions that you make throughout the game when you are given the choices really impact the world. For example, you have a choice to either take over a sky scrapper from another gang of the Syndicate or blow it up. Both choices have positive effects, but if you take it over you own it, but if you blow it up when flying or walking around the city you will see it smoking and slightly destroyed. I love when decisions that you make actually impact the game in someway, if it doesn't it just feels dull and boring.

All in all this is a great game and I am looking forward for the next installment of this series as it just spiked my interest a lot. This game is great, the combat is intense and fun, there is huge amount of customization for abilities, skills, cars, weapons/upgrades. There is everything you could imagine from cars, tanks, planes, boats, speedster bikes (like in Star Wars) laser guns, etc. I can't even name everything in this game there is just too much to mention but I HUGELY recommend this game to try out, it's worth it.

See you all soon,
- Zack

Saturday 16 July 2011

Diablo 3 - More Addicting Than Heroin?

Two decades have passed since the demonic lords, Diablo, Mephisto, and Baal, set out across the world of Sanctuary on a vicious rampage, twisting humanity to their unholy will. Yet for those who battled the Prime Evils, the memory fades slowly.

When Deckard Cain returns to the ruins of Tristram Cathedral seeking clues to defeat new stirrings of evil, a fiery harbinger of doom falls from the heavens, striking the very ground where Diablo once entered the world. This fire from the sky reawakens ancient evils and calls the heroes of Sanctuary to defend the mortal world against the rising powers of the Burning Hells once again. 

Oh boy, the Diablo series. When I think about video games from the past there is no possible way I could not think about this series of games. Diablo 3 is the newest upcoming title from Blizzard and I can tell you I am really  excited. This game alone will probably make me fail a bunch of classes in university. I thought  I would like to just to share this game with all of the people who are die hard fans like myself, and share it with new people who might be thinking of picking this game up whenever it will come out. (Soon I hope)

There have been some major updates with this game so far. We finally know what the original five classes will be. (Wizard, Witch Doctor, Demon Hunter, Barbarian, and Monk.)  These new classes are quiet unique in their own way compared to the classes from Diablo 2, but they kept some similarities from Diablo 2 that don't radically change the game up too much.

I am very and truly hopeful that Diablo 3 will turn out to be another Blizzard hit title like every game they release has become. It seems Blizzard just knows how to make such perfect games that provide an amazing gaming experience for us all. Diablo 3 I am sure will be a true success. With the all new features that they will be adding like the new, interactive environments, new classes, gorgeous 3D, and many more Diablo 3 for sure will be a kick ass title.

Now, it might look good on paper, but what truly shows a game's true colors is the GAME PLAY. Although it's not exactly like playing the game, it gives a sense of what we can expect when we do actually play it. Thankfully there has been some game-play released and my lord does it look awesome. Take a look for yourself, sit back and enjoy the ride.

Here is a video that shows a sneak peek at the Monk skills:

Now, it you just want to see a straight through kick ass game-play then this next video shows the Monk owning it up. (Sorry for all the Monk game-play.)

Here is a sneak preview of the skills that the Demon Hunter will have.

That is all for now, eventually I will make a new post and putting more and newer game-plays up for everyone to watch. But overall, wow it looks awesome and I cannot wait any longer for Diablo 3. I hope all of you put this game on your top lists to buy. It looks truly epic.

And to answer the title, is it more addicting than heroine? Well, I'm not sure maybe it is, maybe it isn't. It's only what I heard. 

Thank you,
Follow me and comment!

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Upcoming Title - Battlefield 3

The Battlefield series has been around for quiet some time now and are we are now nearing their competitive release of Battlefield 3 against Infinity Ward's newest upcoming title Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Battlefield 3 is the eleventh installment in the franchise and the publisher and developer Electronic Arts and EA Digital Illusions CE plans to come out with a bang.

Personally, I am a huge fan of the Battlefield franchise and I always have been. The mixed game play of playing infantry on the ground to blowing up crap in tanks all the way to roaming the skies with jets and helicopters sends chills down my spine just thinking about it.. It has it all this series and it does it very well I must add.


In this game you are going to have the eyes and ears of Staff Sergeant Henry 'Black' Blackburn who is currently a member of the United States Marine Corps. (We all know that is the best branch of the US military.) You will be deployed on the Iraq-Iran boarder with a squad to lead.

Here is a single-player game-play that shows just the great game-play and the absolutely beastly power that the Frostbite 2 engine has to show and offer.

 Looks and sounds like it's going to be some kick ass fun.


Last but definitely not least comes the best part, the online play. BF3 is going to return to the classic class system that has been used so awesomely in previous titles in their franchise. You will be able to pick either Assault, Engineer, Support or Recon. There are quite a few amazing features that will really enhance the online experience and game play for players. Such features as actual suppressive fire, deploy-able bi-pods which provides huge increases in accuracy and reductions in recoil, and flashlights which the engineer will have and is able to blind players. This is just the start of the really cool and unique features that this game has to offer. I can sense it will be a truly epic experience.
If there is more information released about this upcoming title I will for sure post about it.

Hopefully I'll see you all on the battlefield.

Newest League of Legends Champion - Leona

Well, Riot games just announced their newest champion to add into their arsenal of champions to play.

For those of you who don't know what League of Legends is it basically is a game similar to DOTA (Defense of the Ancients) from Warcraft 3. You are in a team with either 2 or 4 other plays to defeat the other team's base and win. At the same time you gear up with new items and level up your skills.

Leona is the first female tank in League of Legends and so far looks really awesome! For more information and game play on Leona check out Riot Game's own champion spotlight of Leona.

League of Legend's website:
League of Legend's YouTube: